I would like to thank everyone that supports me and my hobby I really appreciate it.
Category: Home
Version 4
I have spent a lot of time designing and modifying a certain rocket that will be used for a record attempt. The tube was rolled by Alex of http://aksrockets.blogspot.com/
Flight Report Added
I have finally flew my Type II rocket and have updated the flight report.
I will include a video below.
Ejection Charges Tested
Yesterday I tested the ejection charges. Both events used a 0.85grams of FFF black powder inside surgical tubing with an e-match. The Apogee event fired well with a lot of force.
The main event was a little less forcefull but I am speculating this is due to the nomex cloth being to big the for the tube it was a little snug when I tucked everything inside the rocket. So I will size that down on my mothers surger later this week. Also to make sure everything fires correctly I will be using a 0.90g charges to bring it up just a little more.
In the gallery is the rocket it after it landed on the blanket.
I promise.
More updates are coming!
I have been wiring my AV Bay and double and triple checking it all. I will be attempting another Level 1 launch this month depending on the Government shutdown.
Its going to happen!
Latest Grasshopper Test.
Sorry posts have been sparse I recently moved into a condo with my new wife so the last few weeks have been filled with us packing moving and unpacking.
I do plan on purchasing some tubing and g10/fr4 for my next project pretty soon. Also I need to test ejection charges on the TII rocket, last time I used 0.85 grams of FFFg GOEX blackpowder.
Rocket Parts :)
In the mail today I received some new ignitors to test separation charges. Also I snapped a picture of the Type II rocket just for some updates.
Well sorry for the delay with information.
Recently I was in the process of getting my rocket to fly sometime in August/September. Then I got in a car accident that totaled my vehicle. This accident was not my fault so without a car I am in the process of taking the check from insurance and finding a car.
With this and the fact I am moving in the next month and school coming up. I will post pictures and details of my latest build when I find a minute. Everything will be up soon! I hope to have a lot of details added to the Type II rocket that is about 90% done!
Type II Paint Finished
There will be better pictures to come, this was just a quick one tonight.
Latest Grasshopper test: